Schools can gain awards that demonstrate achievement in a specific area of learning.
The awards available are very wide from being healthy in body and mind, to particiapting in school sport, to working well with I.T. or being musical and much more...
All awards take time and effort and show commitment on the part of the school towards excellence.
In July 2022 we were delighted to have been recognised as a Music Champion School by Leeds Music Education Partnership.
'We are delighted to let you know that you have been successful in achieving the award. The team were extremely impressed with all the music provision you have put in place post-covid and are excited to hear your future plans.'
In July 2020, we were awarded the Unicef UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award at Silver: Rights Aware.
The assessor noted that 'Children spoken with were able to confidently talk about a wide range of rights and understood them to be unconditional and universal. One child said “You get your rights as soon as you are born. Not every child gets to access the same rights though because they might not get things like clean water or healthy food or education…but they have a right to get it all”. Children also understood that issues such as war and poverty could impact on rights
We are continuing on our UNICEF Rights Respecting journey as we work toward the Gold Award. This work contributes towards one of our key aims, which is to ensure our children are responsible citizens of the future.
We are delighted to announce that we, have achieved the School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2021/22 academic year. This is the second time we have achieved the Platinum Mark Award; we are very proud of this achievement.
The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement, in relation to provision and uptake, in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. Our assessor said, 'Congratulations to Farsley Springbank staff and pupils. I am very happy to verify your Platinum School Games Mark. Your school has an excellent PE, Physical Activity and Sports offer and you definitely deserve the award!'
We will continue to be committed to working hard to provide our children with high quality opportunties to take part in physical activity and school sports.
The Leeds Healthy Schools Status is awarded to schools which meet set criteria in four areas: Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Social Emotional Mental Health. Farsley Primary School has achieved Leeds Healthy Schools' status through self-validation and will be externally assessed in spring 2023. We aim to improve the health and wellbeing of all pupils and our staff school. As part of this award, we have also been recognised as a Mindmate Friendly School and a PSHE Friendly School.