Well, the time has come for us to say goodbye. We can’t believe how quickly this year has gone. The children have been absolutely fabulous and have come such a long way since joining Springbank in September. We will miss them all lots but we know they will continue to be brilliant in Year 1 and beyond.
This week we have had a very exciting and fun week full of activities for Health Week. The children have made fruit smoothies, they have enjoyed a Bollywood dance lesson with Mrs Lilley, they have read and discussed books about germs, dental health and exercise and have explored mental health by thinking about feelings and how we can manage different emotions.
The children enjoyed lots of activities on Monday when ACE Sports came in to run the Sports Gala. Unfortunately it was a little wet but the children did manage some of the sessions outside and had a great time. We were very lucky with the weather (for the most part!) on Wednesday when we had our Fun Morning at school. The children had lots of fun joining in with a whole host of activities including a disco, ice-cream and a story, the obstacle course, face paints and lots of fun games and equipment to play with. The teddy bears picnic was great too, until the heavens opened! Thank you to those of you who came to support this event.
We would like to say thank you so much for all the kind words, messages, cards, gifts and vouchers. We have loved helping your children to grow this year and we really appreciate all of your generous and thoughtful gestures.
We hope you all have a wonderful summer.
Love from The Reception Team