Farsley Springbank Primary School recognises that duties in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Equality Act 2010 relate to children with disability or medical conditions.
Whilst the duties on governing bodies have not substantially changed as a result of the Children and Families Act 2014, the extent and scope of the responsibilities of schools to make arrangements to support pupils at school with medical conditions has been clarified. All schools are required to have a policy in place; it should be reviewed regularly and accessible to parents and staff.
This policy is written to support those children with individual medical needs and how their needs can be met at Farsley Springbank Primary School.
When a child has a short-term medical need, parents must complete an administering medicine parent form stating the details of the pupil, the condition, the type of medication and dosage, whether it is a prescribed or non-prescribed medication and contact details. The form must be singed and handed into the school office, along with the medication.
Prescription and non-prescription medicines will only be adminstered at school:
Pupils under 16 will not be given medicine containing asprin unless prescribed by a doctor.
Anyone giving a pupil medication (for example, for pain relief) will first check maximum dosages and when the previous dosage was taken. Parents will always be informed.
The school will only accept prescribed medicines that are:
You can download a copy of the administering medicine form here or collect a copy from the school office.