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PSHE including RSE


At Farsley Springbank Primary School, our approach to PSHE consists of a comprehensive and developmental programme of teaching and learning, which we deliver in the context of a Healthy School where the health and wellbeing of pupils and of the whole school community are actively promoted. Our PSHE programme has a positive influence on the ethos, learning and relationships throughout the school. It is central to our values and to achieving our school’s stated aims and objectives.


Our PSHE programme incorporates the statutory relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education guidance. It helps pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives now and in the future, as individuals, parents/carers, workers and members of society. It is embedded within the wider learning offered by the school to ensure that pupils experience positive relationships with adults and with each other and feel valued, and that those who are most vulnerable are identified and supported. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and community.


The overarching aim for PSHE education is to provide pupils with:

  • accurate and relevant knowledge
  • opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding
  • opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities
  • the skills, language and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives

PSHE Association 2014


Children throughout Year 1 to Year 6 follow the You, Me and PSHE scheme of learning. Throughout this scheme, children will learn about the following themes:

  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Identity Society and equality
  • Keeping safe and managing risk
  • Drug alcohol and tobacco education
  • Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing
  • Physical health and wellbeing


These topics usually follow a three-lesson cycle. During the first session in a topic, children will be expected to complete a pre-assessment in order to understand their prior learning. Children will then be taught (aprox) three lessons around this topic before they complete a post-unit assessment. Many of these sessions will also cover safeguarding issues with lessons on topics such as bullying and dangerous substances. 


As part of this cycle, children will complete one ‘Mindmate’ session per half term, which focus around positive mental health. Throughout each PSHE session, children will have the opportunity for ‘talk time’, which may be teacher led and focused on news articles or class issues or may be led by the children. We also follow the No Outsiders program. As part of this, children will look at issues of inclusion, including the protected characteristics within the equality act through picture books. Many of these lessons will be discussion based.


PSHE is also taught throughout less formal opportunities, such as assemblies, Equality week, Rights Respecting Schools and individual focus days such as ‘Pants are Private’ day and ‘Anti-bullying week’.  


Relationship and Sex Education lessons are taught in years 1-6. These lessons capture and go beyond the statutory expectations of the statutory Relationships and Health education.


As part of the Early Years statutory framework, one of the prime areas of learning in Reception is Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED). This is broken down into three further areas: Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships. Children are expected to meet the early learning goal in each of these areas by the end of Reception. Staff will teach PSED through various planned lessons including ‘settling in’, ‘meeting the staff’, ‘all about me' and ‘managing feelings and behaviour’. Staff teach PSED through daily incidental 1:1 and group opportunities including restorative conversations about behaviour and choices where necessary. Children in Reception also take part in whole school events such as equality week, mental health week, anti-bullying week and health week, which all contribute to the children’s PSED learning.

PSHE long term plan

Statutory Health and Relationships Education Mapping tool

We have mapped out how we cover the statutory requirements of the Health and Relationships Education curriculum so ensure all aspects are covered.

PSHE and RSE policies

You can find our PSHE and RSE policies using the links below.

Progression in PSHE

The documents below show how different areas within the PSHE curriculum are mapped out and progress across year groups.
