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The Safeguarding Curriculum 

At Springbank, we work hard to ensure that we give children as much knowledge as possible to allow them to keep themselves and others, safe. As part of their curriculum, we plan lots of opportunities for them to learn about keeping safe in a variety of settings and contexts. In each year group, children will have explicit lessons which link to safeguarding. 
E.g. Road safety, stranger danger, e-safety.
These messages are also reinforced regularly as assemblies, focus days and the ‘hidden curriculum’ (less formal conversations with staff).


Some of these lessons may cover more sensitive issues which are taught in an age appropriate way. 
E.g. ‘Pants are Private’, sexual harassment, ‘Prevent’ and ‘Different Families, Same Love’
All of these are delivered using recognised, approved resources. 

We understand that for some children, these topics can create questions and so endeavour to let parents know when they are being taught. We hope that this will allow you to support your child at this time. 


Please have a look at the Parents' Guide below which provides more information about the lessons that we teach, the resources that we use and gives you the opportunity to view some of the resources. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. 
