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WWII Workshop 09.10.22

Judith Rhodes 'virtual' Visit


Year 6 were fortunate enough this week to receive a visit from our good friend Judith Rhodes as part of our topic learning about World War Two. Judith, who lives locally, is the daughter of Ursula Michel, a teenage girl who fled Nazi Germany in 1939 with just one small suitcase of belongings.

Judith showed us her film documentary, The Little Suitcase, that tells her mother’s story of Kindertransport evacuation. She then answered some questions (practically a hundered!) which the children produced themselves. We were even lucky enough to see the real Little Suitcase and some of her mother's belongings! We learnt a huge amount from our time speaking to Judith and she was very complementary about the high standard of questions that the children asked her.  A huge thank you to Judith from all of us. 
