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Autumn 2 Week 3 19.11.21



In maths this week we have been learning how 4 and 5 are represented in different ways. We have been coming up with our own ideas of how 4 and 5 can be represented, whether it be with our fingers, using blocks, numicon, with numerals such as spotting 4 or 5 on a clock face or on a front door or a whole range of different objects. At home, you could make a set of things which represent 4. Perhaps your child could collect up some objects such as a toy car (4 wheels), a toy dog (4 legs), 4 socks, a chair (4 legs). See what you can find! Can you do the same with 5? Some ideas to get you going could be a glove (5 spaces for fingers and thumb), a star with 5 points, a bookshelf with 5 shelves, a story book about 5 characters such as ‘The Ugly Five’. We’d love to see your 4 and 5 hunts at home. How many things can represent these numbers?


We have been watching the following Numberblocks videos this week. Here they are to share again at home: 


This week has been ‘Anti-bullying week’ across school. In reception, we have been learning about what bullying means. The children have learnt that bullying is something which happens over and over again, not just one time. They have learnt about different types of bullying: physical and verbal. The children have explored different examples of these two types. We have explored this year’s theme which is ‘One Kind Word’. Here is the official video: 


We have thought about the words we use and how our words and behaviour can affect others. We read the story ‘Kindness Grows’. Here is a link if you would like to share this again at home: 


We also watched a Topsy and Tim story about bullying. Here is the link to watch again at home:  We talked about what happened in the story and how Topsy and Tim helped their friend get the help he needed.


Next week in maths we will be learning about the composition of 4 and 5. We will also be using the language ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ within up to the number 5.


Next week in Understanding the World we will be learning about the seasons and the changes we see in the season of Autumn.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Reception team
