Welcome to Reception
The Reception staff team is made up of class teachers: Mrs Bennett, Miss Charles, Mrs Ashley-Cooper and Mrs Pugh and teaching assistants, Mrs Hicks and Mrs Vincent.
Reception is an exciting year with lots of great learning challenges and opportunities. You can find out more about what Reception are learning further down this page as well as lots of photos and information showing the children in action!
If you have any questions about Reception the class teacher will be happy to offer support and help. You can them by e-mail or contact the office to make an appointment. Please note e-mails from parents can to be sent to info@farsleyspringbank.co.uk.
Teachers will respond to e-mails within working hours of 8am-5.30pm but will endeavour to respond to e-mails within 48 hours. If your query is urgent then please contact the school office on 0113 2558719.
To find out more about the Reception curriculum, please click on the link below which will take you to the Curriculum Newsletters. These provide a detailed description of the learning that takes place in different areas every half term. If you have any questions about the Reception curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the class teachers, who will be happy to discuss any queries with you.
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Useful links:
Take a look at some of these different web pages for online games a resources you child can use to enhance their learning at home.
Below you can keep up to date with all the different events, trips and learning Reception have been doing. We hope you enjoy reading about Reception's learning and looking at the photographs!