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Music Enrichment

Small group instrumental Lessons


Instrumental teaching is a very important part of our music provision at Springbank, with over 100 children from Years 2 to 6 accessing small group instrumental lessons every week. Our visiting tutors come from Leeds ArtForms, and lessons are taught in small groups of between 2 and 5 students, lasting for 20-30 minutes weekly. Children can learn to play:


Woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe) with Mrs Kenwood - Herriot

Brass (cornet, tenor horn, trombone) with Mr Marchesi

Strings (violin, cello, double bass) with Ms Briscoe

Guitar with Mr Elvin

Keyboard with Mrs Fabri

Drums with Mr Bowes


The children gain many exciting opportunities from these lessons:

  • Perform in Assemblies and Concerts
  • Join our school Orchestra when they are ready to play with others.
  • Enter graded music exams when they are ready.
  • Join City of Leeds ensembles to further develop their skills and meet other young musicians from across the city.

Our instrumentalists in action:

ArtForms offer a wide range of ensembles and opportunities for our children. Please click the links below to visit their website for further information, and to find out more about the ensembles that are open to our young musicians:

Springbank Orchestra

Our Orchestra goes from strength to strength, and children are invited to join once they have been playing their instrument for around a year. The ensemble is currently made up for students from across Year 3 to Year 6, and we perform regularly during the year, for parents and other students. Recent concerts have included performances of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" the "Mission Impossible" theme and the pop song "Dark Side". 


Click on the links below to watch us in action:


Springbank Orchestra "Dark Side" Summer Concert


Springbank Orchestra - "Ode to Joy" - Summer Concert


Springbank Singers


Our choir is open to all children in Years 3 to 6 with weekly rehearsals to prepare for our numerous performances every year. Recent events have included:


  • Performing at Sheffield Arena for the amazing "Young Voices".
  • Singing in the community at the "Farsley Live at Home" luncheon for some of the older members of our local area.
  • Performing at the school Summer Concert.
  • Our Year 5 and 6 singers performing as part of a 400-strong schools choir for the City of Leeds Youth Music Festival that took place at Leeds Direct Arena.
  • Joining with 200 other primary school children to perform on the pitch at Headingly Stadium for the Leeds Rhinos Sing Spectacular, accompanied by a live band from LS18 Rocks.


Click on the link below to see our choir joining with our guitarists to perform "Count on Me":


Choir and Guitarists at the Summer Concert


After-School Music Clubs


Our aim at Springbank is to be inclusive as possible, so that as many children as possible enjoy the positive experiences that making music can bring. Springbank Orchestra and Singers rehearse through out the school year, but we also run a different after-school club every term, to broaden our musical offer, and allow children to have a taste of a range of musical activity. Recent clubs have included:

  • Drumming - the children explored body percussion, bucket drumming, chair drumming and cup rhythms.
  • Making Music Club - all the children worked together to write lyrics and compose their own song "Be the best you can be"
  • Key Stage 1 Choir - a chance for Year 1 and 2 children to form their own choir and perform the songs they enjoy.
  • KS2 Rock Band project - guitarists and bassists, keyboard players, drummers and singers visited Priesthorpe's Rock Band for after-school sessions, being mentored and taught by high school musicians, and putting together the song "Sunflowers" by Post Malone


Click on the links below to watch and listen to some of the brilliant music the children have created in their clubs:


Drumming Club - Chair drumming: Rock Song Medley


Key Stage 1 Choir performing "Supercalifragilistic"


Making Music Club's original song "Friends from the Stars" 


2024 Making Music Club's Original Song "Be the Best you can be"


December 2024 - Making Music Club's original Christmas song!


KS2 Rock Band with Co-op Academy Priesthorpe

Year 6 Music Ambassadors


We have introduced the role of Music Ambassador in Year 6, to give students a chance to contribute to the musical organisation in school, and act as role models for the younger children. The children chosen were those who have shown commitment to our music groups and a real passion for the subject. Their role was to support and inspire other children through music. This included:


  • Helping to run Singing Assemblies, encouraging positive attitudes, handing out team points and choosing children to sit on the "bench of brilliance".
  • Leading activities in Singing Assembly, such as demonstrating BSL to accompany our songs, and running the technical aspect of the sessions.
  • Visiting Reception classes once a week to run singing playground games during their lunchbreak.
  • Running the Christmas and Summer concerts, by introducing acts, managing technical requirements and helping to organise the younger children.
  • Supporting younger pupils during Orchestra and Choir rehearsals.


They have been a vital part of music in school, and hand over their role to the new ambassadors every year, by training them up in the summer term!

Key Stage Two - "Springbank's Got Talent" Show.


In 2024 we reinstated our "Springbank's Got Talent Show" in a new format! Every class had their own mini Talent Show during Arts Week, with auditions held during music lessons, and then 12 acts were chosen to be finalists for the end of term show. The children really displayed their talents and skills, we had auditions with magic, singing, dance, comedy, puppet shows and instruments, and even a yo-yo! The final show featured a range of these, and the children worked incredibly hard in rehearsals, developing and improving their acts ready for a live audience. Many of our Year 6 students also volunteered to present the acts and run all the backstage and technical support. Have a look at some of the photos and videos below to get a taste of how fantastic they were! This will now become an annual event.
