This week in phonics we have learnt the sounds h, r, j, v and y. Here are the videos you can watch at home:
h - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/RFCVzmex/otBmXfPP
r - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/IjKYGINA/RWctfxFL
j - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/oFAWKB29/GvAcxOQY
v - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/TJQ23uN3/y21Kk8JN
y - https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/EYZAudBQ/rCsJUMTe
We have also continued to blend sounds to make words using the sound cards and magnet boards. Here is a video to watch with your child: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/IisQlXUg/iDsZnCDL (Learning to blend at home - L4)
Your child could use their sound cards to make the words in the video. Can they show you how to do Fred Talk, Read the Word? (Point to each sound as you say it then run your finger along the sounds as you say the full word).
Here are some Fred games you might like to play at home:
Fred says feelings (1): https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/zJceDEBK/ilBrjkA1
Fred’s bedroom: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/uQDsxXCM/ARuGd4ZJ
Fred’s adventures – market: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/qAccF5hd/xChh9yLE
In maths we have been learning about repeating patterns. The children have learnt how to make an AB pattern, an AAB pattern and an ABB. They have been making patterns in lots of different ways: using printing, pegboards, objects inside and outside, on the computers, in the dough. An example of an AB pattern is conker, leaf, conker, leaf, conker, leaf… An AAB pattern might be blue, blue, red, blue, blue, red... An ABB pattern might be square, circle, circle, square, circle, circle… The children also made up their own patterns with actions and musical instruments. They came up with some super ideas! You might like to try making some patterns at home. We would love to see any photos or videos of your patterns which you can upload onto Tapestry.
The children have continued with their Talk 4 Writing unit based on the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. They have learnt how to draw a story map to help them to retell the story. A story map uses symbols and pictures (with some letters and words when children are ready for that) to remind them of the different parts of the story. The children have drawn some wonderful story maps and have been using the story language brilliantly. Thank you for the fabulous pictures and videos we have received on Tapestry of the retellings of the story. We have also learnt how to ‘innovate’ the story by changing certain details such as a character or a setting. In RC, the children changed their bear for a spider and in RBA the children went on a dinosaur hunt. The children came up with some great words to describe the new setting in our innovated stories, such as a cold, slippy mountain (brrr brr brr!) or a wet, muddy puddle (jump, splash…)
As part of Black History Month, we have read the story ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. This story tells the journey of a little girl from Trinidad to England as part of the Windrush generation. We have looked at where Trinidad is in the world and what it is like there in comparison to life here in England. We have talked about the story and the feelings of the characters.
Next week is Equalities week and we will be reading more stories to help us think about similarities and differences. Among the books we will be reading are ‘You Choose’, ‘The Smeds and The Smoos’ and ‘Mixed’.
Next week in maths the children will be learning how to represent 1, 2 and 3 in different ways.
Next week the children will be doing their phonics sessions in smaller groups. They will continue to learn sounds and blend the sounds to make words. These smaller groups will allow your child to move at a pace that is right for them. Please continue to practise sounds at home. It helps your child’s phonics journey so much to have practice at home as well as what they do in school. You might like to make words with the sound cards at home. Say the sounds eg. m..a..t Can your child blend the sounds to make the word mat? Do Fred Talk, Say the Word: m...a...t - mat. Now, can your child find the right cards and put them in the correct order to make the word? Now practise Fred Talk, Read the Word by pointing to the sounds and saying them then swiping across the word as you say the word. How many words can you make?
PE lessons
Next half-term we will begin our PE lessons. RBA will have their lesson on a Wednesday morning and RC will have their lesson on a Friday morning. Your child will need to come to school on their PE day dressed in their PE kit (white round neck t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and black hoodie, white socks and trainers). They will stay in their PE kit for the full day.
Choosing dinners
The last message you got about dinners was that the children chose the day before. This has now changed so that the children choose their dinner for that day in the morning when they arrive at school.
Thank you for all your support so far this half-term. Only one week to go until your little ones can all have a well-deserved rest, ready for the term running up to Christmas!
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception team