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Summer 1 Week 2 29.4.22



This week the children have been working really hard in their phonics groups. Thank you for your continued support in reading with your child and practising sounds and words with them.


In maths, we have been continuing our work on numbers 11-20. A game which was a particular hit was The Cheeky Kangaroo game where you will need a set of cards 11-20. First order the cards and then whilst your child’s eyes are closed, the cheeky kangaroo swaps 2 cards or takes one away or rotates one round. It is your child’s job to spot the mistake. You might want to play this one at home. As well as exploring teen numbers and embedding the concept of one full ten and extra ones, we have been recapping previous learning: doubling, halving, fair and unfair sharing, positional language such as in front, behind, in, on, under and between.


We have been reading the story Jasper’s Beanstalk which is our focus text for our Talk 4 Writing unit We have been reading and discussing the story, making up actions to help us to retell the story and making story maps. We will continue with this story next week. The children will be using their phonic knowledge to write the story. We will also innovate the story, thinking of new elements to make it our own new story.


In maths next week we will be recapping shapes and recognising them in different orientations. We will be matching and rotating shapes using a tangram. We will also be exploring the properties of shapes. You might like to look at some shapes at home and out on walks. We will be looking mainly at the following shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle.


Have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team
