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History 10.03.20

Chronology of Ancient Greece


In our history lesson today, we looked at what the word chronological meant. We then went on to look at how to construct a scaled timeline of world history.

This led to a discussion about which civilisations came before the Ancient Greeks, which civilisations occurred at the same time and what happened after the Ancient Greeks.

The children also discussed why some of these civilisations might have had contact with the Ancient Greeks and how that contact would have occurred.

In our history lesson today, we looked at what the word chronological meant. We then went on to look at how to construct a scaled timeline of world history.

This led to a discussion about which civilisations came before the Ancient Greeks, which civilisations occurred at the same time and what happened after the Ancient Greeks.

The children also discussed why some of these civilisations might have had contact with the Ancient Greeks and how that contact would have occurred.
