At the request of the children in Springbank a new science club was launched!! Every week the children take part in fun activities giving them the chance to explore and investigate their inner scientist.
In science club the children explored the effects of gravity and forces. Within this session the children planned and created their own Marble Maze Runners taking into consideration the friction that will occur on the marble when changing the material on the base of the board game. The children had so much fun challenging each other and trying to complete their maze in the quickest time.
Have a sneak peek at our snapshot slideshow!
During science club the children created minibeast hotels to ensure that the animals had a safe space to go to hide from predators! We also had the opportunity to explore our school pond! This was such an an exciting moment for the children because they found a newt!
Have a sneak peek at our snapshot slideshow!
In science club this week, the children were given a STEM challenge of building a robot which would draw all by itself! They were given a collection of resources including: a paper cup, a motor, a battery, a peg, 3 felt tip pens and some tape. They then had to engineer their resources together to make a working robot. Our children were amazing and successfully completed the challenge with a little resilience and team work.
Have a look at what the children created below! You will be amazed :)
This week in science club we made lava lamps exploring changes in density.
The children were amazed by the science behind the experiment! When enough bubbles pop, the water-and-remaining gas becomes more dense than the oil. So the ball of water sinks down through the oil and joins the rest of the water. Changes in density as gas is added to or taken away from water cause it to float up and sink down through the oil. Thus the lava lamp is created!