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5S Herd Farm

Day 1 at Herd Farm

The children arrived and spent some time settling into their bedrooms and making their bed, which was good fun!  They enjoyed lunch before heading out to do their first activity.  Group 1 had a go on the giant swing - all the children had a go despite some initial nerves!  Group 2 showed some great team work skills as they completed the assault course and treid their hand at archery.  Group 3 had fun whizzing around on the bikes.   After the activities the children had some time to relax and/or play games, before they enjoyed a delicious tea.  After tea more time for games/relaxing before getting wrapped up to go out on the night walk.  The children were tired after such a busy day! Roll on day 2.

Settling in and making beds!

Group 1 - Giant Swing

Group 2 - Archery and Assault Course

Group 3 - Cycling

Time to relax, play games and enjoy time with friends.

Enjoying mealtimes
