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Summer 2 Week 3 21.6.24



This week the children have been learning the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs for our final Talk4Writing unit of the year. They have been learning actions to help retell the story, they have created story maps and we have had some wonderful retellings of the story.


Next week the children will be using their phonic knowledge to write the story. They will also make the story their own by changing elements of the original.


In maths this week we have been using positional language to explain where things are. This vocab includes on top of, under, next to, in between, in front of, behind. We have also recapped our number bonds to 10 and have been doing some adding and subtracting within 10. Here is an addition game to play at home: 


Next week we will be practising our number bonds to 10, focusing on 6 and 7. We will be exploring all the different ways these numbers can be made, including answering word problems based upon these numbers.


The children had a great time taking part in a variety of different races for our Sports Day on Wednesday morning. They all looked very colourful dressed in the colours of their team, some children even with added hair ribbons and matching socks! The children all tried really hard and showed super resilience, encouraging each other with lots of supportive cheering. Thank you for coming to support your children in this. And well done if you had a go in the adults’ races!


Next week on Wednesday will be our school trip to Swithens Farm. The children will need to come dressed in non-uniform with appropriate footwear. Wellies is a good option for being at the farm. If the forecast is sunny, please ensure your child is wearing sun cream. If it is forecast to rain, please make sure they have a waterproof coat.


It is also Transition Day on Thursday, where your child will move up to their Year 1 class for the day. They will need dropping off and picking up at the Year 1 classroom on this day. Over the next few weeks we will be doing lots of work about moving onto new things to help prepare the children with their transition into Year 1.


We hope you have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team
