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Science (Magnetic Field) 22.01.2025

Science (Magnetic Fields) 22.01.2025


This week in science, the children explored a magnets magnetic field. We set up an investigation called ‘the floating paperclip’. We first used 2 magnets to explore the north and south poles and find out which poles attracted and which repelled. We were then given a piece of string, a paper clip and a magnet. In our group, we then tried to get the paper clip to move without touching it with the magnet. The children chose to do this in a range of ways: through the tables, through pieces of classroom equipment and moving equipment using the magnet from a distance.

We then discussed where magnets are used in real life then watched a few clips of this happening. We looked at Veolia Recycling Centre in Leeds and how a giant magnet is used to separate the metals from the non-metals.
