First Week in Year 1
What a fabulous first week the children have had. They have settled in really quickly, getting to grips with the new routines in Year 1. We have set up a range of challenges for the children to access across the week and we have been really pleased with the enthusiasm the children have shown in making sure they complete them all.
This week we have been sorting objects in different ways, reading and writing ‘red’ words, retelling the story of the Billy Goats Gruff and building bridges for the Troll to live under. We have also been learning to shade with sketching pencils. As part of our history topic we have been trying to think what life might have been like when our grandparents were children and also to begin to understand chronology in the context of our own families.
We hope you enjoy looking at some of the pictures that we have taken of the children over the week as they settle in to their new classroom.