Fun in the snow!
First week back and we were treated to a healthy dose of snow. The children of course made the most of their session playing in the snow and enjoyed making snowmen, rolling snowballs and being in the outside area. On Wednesday as part of their outdoor learning 1W made hanging ice decorations with Mrs Fletcher. These were displayed on a tree in the garden for all to see.
Andy Goldsworthy
This week we have launched our new art project about artist Andy Goldsworthy. The children enjoyed looking at some of his work and also watching a video of him explaining what he enjoys about his work as well as seeing him in action making a piece of art using slate. The children made a double page spread of all the facts they had learnt about him as an artist as well as adding some examples of his work with captions to show what they liked about each piece. Hey had a go at expanding one of his images using lines and pencil crayons.