This week the children have been continuing with the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ in their Talk 4 Writing unit. We have collected key words from the story and have used our phonic knowledge to write parts of the story. We have also innovated the story to make it our own by changing elements such as the setting, characters and actions.
In maths the children have been investigating different ways that 5 can be partitioned. The Numberblocks episode ‘Holes’ was part of the focus for our learning. Here is a link to the episode: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08dmjsk/numberblocks-series-1-holes
We have been learning that 5 can be partitioned (split) into different parts and the children have been using what they know to work out a hidden number. You might like to play a hidden number game at home. Have 5 objects such as teddies. Ask your child to close their eyes and then hide a number of the objects. Can you child work out how many are missing?
In our handwriting practice, we have worked on ‘curly letters’ this week, in particular e, f and s. The handwriting sheets have gone home again this week for extra practice at home.
Next week we will be learning about China: where it is and some features of this country and culture. We will be learning about the story of Chinese New Year: The Great Race. We will be learning about how Chinese New Year is celebrated and we will have lots of fun things to make and do to help us get immersed in this celebration which is on Wednesday next week.
In maths next week the children will be comparing length. They will be using the vocabulary longer and shorter and measuring the length of things using familiar objects such as penne pasta pieces or cubes. One activity you might like to try at home is to make playdough worms then to see which is the longest and which is the shortest. Using an object such as pasta pieces, how many pasta pieces long are each of the worms? Or you could try throwing a ball in the garden. How far can you throw it? Mark out your throw and see if you can get further the following time.
Thank you for your continued support in your child’s learning. It is lovely to see pictures and videos and also to hear about all the reading and writing practice you are doing at home. A little bit each day makes such a difference to your child’s progress. We also love to see posts about other experiences your child has such as learning to ride a bike, taking part in activities with family and friends, coming home and telling you all about what they have learnt in school, the list is endless! All of these experiences and activities help us to see your child’s learning over the course of the year as they are learning all the time, not just when they are at school.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Reception team