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Anti-Bullying week Nov 2012

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, which was on 19th-23rd November, the children have learnt about different aspects of bullying, such as the different forms it can take, what to do if someone is being bullied and the reasons behind why someone might bully. Together we discussed different types of cyber bullying and the potential effects this could have. We also learnt about racism and discussed why some people have been bullied because of their race or religion. Each class decided on a definition of bullying which we then collated to create a whole school definition of what bullying is:


Bullying is when a person or group of people hurt another person or group of people on purpose and this happens repeatedly.

As a follow up to this work, on Wednesday 5th December, the children took part in workshops by ‘Kidz Aware’ who use puppets to get their message across and focus on anti-bullying and accepting difference. Year 3’s workshop ‘Count Me In’ focused on understanding and accepting children with different disabilities. Year 4’s workshop ‘Let’s Prevent Bullying’ addressed the issues of bullying and personal safety; how to get help and whom to talk to; the need for children to talk about being bullied and about how bullying can make people feel. Years 5 and 6 took part in the ‘Accepting Difference’ programme, in which they discussed what discrimination, racism and bullying are and how these affect people in different ways. It also looked at different disabilities and how these can impact on a young person’s life. Overall, these workshops were a great success; have a look at some of the photographs below to see the puppets we met.